Nearly all construction industry standard form contracts require mediation as part of their dispute resolution provisions. Often confused with arbitration, mediation is a negotiation facilitated by a neutral third party. Unlike arbitration — a proceeding like a trial — mediation does not result in a final binding decision. And the mediator typically does not have
Negotiating by a Thousand Texts: LOL? Think Again.
By Cory Haller on
Posted in Construction Contracts, Design Build Agreements
The law may be slow to evolve, but courts are beginning to embrace 21st century communication methods. The prospect of negotiating a deal by text message may seem like a laughing matter, but a Massachusetts court recently relied on parties’ email and text communications to determine the essential elements of an agreement for the…
Why Does the Proposed Indemnity Provision Look Different?
By Tamara Boeck on
Posted in Indemnity
Have you noticed unusual language in a client’s contract pertaining to broad waivers of subrogation and acceptance of risks that you never thought your client would have? A brief trend in contract negotiations for many industrial projects has been the appearance of the so-called “knock-for-knock” indemnity provision. The term “knock-for-knock” is typically used for a…