About a year ago, I wrote a column for the Daily Journal of Commerce about effective COVID-19 safety policies and what contractors can do to maximize job site safety to comply with developing Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 safety standards and guidelines. In the interim,  much has changed but much has remained the same – OSHA and CDC guidance, as well as how businesses must operate during a pandemic, continues to evolve, but the fact remains that contractors still need to make their job sites safe and take steps to prevent their employees and clients from contracting COVID-19 on the job site or at the office. In my latest column for the DJC, I look at a few of the liability issues facing contractors and outline a few steps for them to protect themselves from such liability. Read the full column here.

Originally published as an Op-Ed by the Oregon Daily Journal of Commerce on May 20, 2021.