On October 9, 2020, I will present on prevailing wages at the Oregon State Bar Construction Law Section’s seminar titled Public Contracting Issues: Federal and State. My presentation will address fundamental concepts, resources, administration, how to analyze prevailing wage issues, and tips for preparing coverage determinations. Click here to learn more and here to register

Contractors who bid on public projects that utilize federal money  can be surprised by additional administrative requirements they do not usually find in their contracts.  In my recent article for the Daily Journal of Commerce, I discuss one of those requirements that may require you to disclose  subcontractor agreements, and what you can do

Many development projects have a federal connection — such as a federal permit or grant — that triggers compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.  Section 106 requires the approving federal agency to assess the impacts of the development on properties that are listed or eligible for listing on the National Register

Here is list of laws that may apply to projects in which the federal government is involved.

These reflections about government involvement are prompted by recent changes to the Federal Acquisition Regulations that give federal contractors an affirmative duty to disclose any “credible evidence” that comes to their attention of (a) the violation of certain

In an effort to stimulate the economy, federal and state government agencies are seeking to promote new construction projects. This trend of government involvement in construction projects is likely to continue. When the government is involved, it is important to know whether this involvement causes public contracting laws to apply.

Governmental involvement in a construction

For those readers interested in federal contracting and related labor issues, our colleague Dennis Westlind recently blogged about changes implemented by the Obama Administration. Those posts address the following topics:

Project Labor Agreements on Federally Funded Construction Projects
• Executive Orders Affecting Federal Contractors

Stay tuned for more changes as the new administration implements